JRaceman Screenshots

Click on a screenshot to see a full-size image of that screen.

These sample screenshots are based on one of two databases:

See also the sample reports and sample web directory.

The Query tab in the Teams tab in the Team Setup tab. You can fill in a set of query values and operators in the top half of the screen, then see the results in the bottom half. You can sort the table on any column, or resize and rearrange the columns.

The Edit tab in the People tab in the Team Setup tab. You can double-click on an item in the bottom half, which will allow you to edit it in the upper half.

The Sheet tab in the People tab in the Team Setup tab. This lets you view and edit a group of people in a manner similar to a spreadsheet. Values which appear as choice lists in the normal Edit tab will also appear as choice lists in the spreadsheet.

The Export tab in the Meets tab in the Meet Setup tab. You can output various kinds of data for transfer to another site running JRaceman, or for backup.

The Schedule tab in the Meet Setup tab allows you to create Races, set the scheduled start time for them, and print up schedules.

The Progress tab in the Races tab.

The Finish tab in the Races tab. When you enter finish times for a race, JRaceman automatically calculates place and score values.

August 11, 2002